Sunday, October 31

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 11

Favorite TV Shows

I am a TV the list could go on and on...

Friends will always be my favorite
 I LOVE her.

Why did they stop playing reruns? I miss them.

One of my very favorites. I love Luke.
This is a new addition. I think this is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen.

I'm a fairly new Gleek, but I love it! Especially the Britney episode...soooo good.

I just can't get enough of it. FASCINATING!

The funniest show on TV. I love Cam!

It's not as good as it used to be, but I'm invested. And I do love Jim and Pam.

I think it's time I invest in a DVR...

Saturday, October 30

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10

Something You're Afraid Of

Most bugs
Not being able to have kids
Losing loved ones and pets

Well this was a depressing post!

Friday, October 29

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 9 & Mutt Show

A Picture of Your Friends

Here is a picture of most of my close friends from the day before our wedding. It's definitely missing some great friends, but I love that so many people I love are in one picture!

Now for the weekend recap: The main event was Saturday morning...Doug and I went to the Covington 'Mutt Show'. And it did not disappoint!

They had several categories, including prettiest girl, most handsome boy, best dressed (our favorite), and best kisser.

All of the dogs were adorable, but there were a few that stole my heart. Like this one....OH MY GOSH she was cute!

We named this dog, "The Cloud"

This dog had a bonnet.

Yes, this dog is wearing goggles.

Uncle Sam.


They had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of each category

However, the costumes and tricks were not the highlight of the morning...the ARREST was! I am always fascinated by people getting in trouble....I'm not sure why. Like at UGA football games, I would be so distracted if someone was getting escorted out. I always want to know what happened. So at the Mutt Show, I was of course intrigued when the police showed up. A huge man was talking to the cops by their car, and then he started to yell at them. They handcuffed him and took him away! Later, I found out the story...apparently, he had a pitt bull there (who was so sweet!) but he had been yelling and threatening a lady to sick his dog on her if she wouldn't stop her barking dog.

I managed to get a few pictures :) They aren't very good, but you can see a little between the 2 cars.

I hope everyone has a great Halloween weekend!

Thursday, October 28

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8

A Place You've Traveled To

It is hard to decide which place to talk about here. I L-O-V-E traveling, and I have been to a lot of cities that I love and hope to visit again soon.

Since I am currently trying to plan a trip back to New York City, I will talk about that! I love this city!!!

I have been there 3 times (so far). The first trip was for spring break during my senior year of high school. I went with my best friends, Suzanne and Jeff, and it was probably the most fun trip of my life! We saw and did everything, including Jeff and I singing in the subway station for money (I think we made like $13!) We were also on TRL and made a shout out!

Our second trip was during Christmas break of my freshman year of college. We met a few celebs and had the chance to be "dancers" on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve! And people actually saw us on there...pretty dang cool.

Here we are with the late, great David Carradine...who was high as a kite, stumbling down the streets of New York.

My third trip was last Halloween with my mom. It full of food, fun, and Regis and Kelly (I met Kelly and she is just as sweet as she seems!) We also made some people very nervous when we told them of our adventures in China town...but we got great stuff! :)
(I just realized that the pictures from the trip were lost when my computer crashed last year...hopefully I have them on my mom's computer!)

So I am dying to go back already...we'll see how that works out :)

I will have a weekend update coming soon...I know, I am waaaay behind, but I can't wait for y'all to see the excitement that is Covington ;)

Tonight is date night...Doug is taking me out to celebrate my new job at O'Charley's...I am so excited to finally be making some money around here!

Wednesday, October 27

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7

Favorite Movies

Top 3:
The Notebook
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Other favorites:
The Holiday
Raising Helen
The Family Stone
The Blind Side
Where the Heart Is
Legally Blonde
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Forrest Gump
Dirty Dancing
Steel Magnolias
Ocean's 11, 12, 13
PS I Love You
Must Love Dogs
Fried Green Tomatos
Pretty Woman
Big Daddy
Sex and the City
Now and Then
Twilight series
Hope Floats
You've Got Mail
Never Been Kissed
Pride and Prejudice
Father of the Bride
City of Angels
Pay it Forward
The Bourne trilogy
Sweet Home Alabama
All Nicholas Sparks books-turned-movies
Doug and I are seeing "Life As We Know It" this week, and I have a feeling it will be on the list!

I could go on and on....I love me some chick flicks!

Tuesday, October 26

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 6

A Picture That Makes You Happy

This is such an easy topic. I bet you can guess what my picture is going to be...

Yup! It's my little Pep. This face just melts my heart, and so does his sissy little meow. You would be surprised to hear such a squeak out of a big-boned kitty like Pepper.

Now if he only had a brother or sister... ;)

PS- I realize that these past few posts probably made most of you hopefully I'll turn down the cheese-factor soon! Sorry!

Monday, October 25

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5

Your Siblings

This is my brother, Matt. (And our ADORABLE dog, Deuce)

(This picture was taken after a powder puff game I played in...I don't normally wear eye black)

 This picture is just so funny to me

So my brother is 3 years older than me. And let me tell you, he is one heck of a big brother. He taught me about "legends" (AKA scared the bejeezus out of me), which wrestlers to root for (I was a Goldberg and Sting fan!), and how to make a free throw. He is also an amazing role model for me to look up to.

Matt had all of his priorities straight...he made great grades, played every sport there was (and excelled in all of them), and had an awesome group of friends. We got over the whole "brother-sister bickering" phase (thank goodness!) by the time I was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. We even took an art class together and had weekly competitions on whose painting was better.

One of my very favorite memories with Matt is our trip to Europe. It was finals week of my freshman year of college, and I was studying away. I got a call on a Monday night from Matt, asking me if I wanted to join him on his 3 week backpacking trip all over Europe. I didn't think he was serious at first, but when I realized this was for real, I immediately stopped studying and started booking flights and trains. I took my last final that Tuesday night, drove home to Marietta to pack and buy last minute things, and was on a plane by Wednesday afternoon to London. I won't go into much detail because I plan on talking about this trip in a later post (Day 23: Favorite Vacation) but it was so fun to just spend time with Matt before we grow up, get married, and have kids. Of course, we had our moments where we wanted to kill each other, but it was a once in a lifetime experience that I wouldn't trade for anything!

Matt is now married to my wonderful sister-in-law Kelly, and they live in Raleigh with their fiesty dog, Maggie, and sweet cat, Coco. I wish they lived closer!