Tuesday, May 31

Another Bullet List

Yup, this is yet another bullet post. My creativity to write a real post seems to have disappeared! (The wedding week posts will be coming soon! Promise!)
  • First off, my mom's surgery went so well! In the past, she has not had pleasant experiences with anesthesia, but it couldn't have gone any better this time! YAY! So I was at home all weekend with the parents and all the pets, while Doug was at the beach with his family. I missed him so much, but I had fun going home and pretending I was kid again.
  • I pick up Doug from the airport tonight! YAY again!
  • I just realized today that I haven't used a hairbrush in months. Am I the only one who does this? I just never need to- it's always easy to run my fingers through it after I wash it.
  • The comments finally seem to be back to normal now. Blogger wouldn't let me comment on a lot of blogs last week, and I know most people had the same problem. So if you want to ask me a question, any question, go here and your comment will be anonymous!
  • I have a new obsession. Taco Bell's chicken quesadilla. Do yourself a favor and run to Taco Bell right now. They are amazing!

  • I'm going to watch the Bachelorette tonight, but I still do not like Ashley! She drove me crazy last season by being so whiny, and I just can't get past it! Anyone else?
  • Last night was my first night alone at our apartment. Creeps.Me.Out. I slept with all the lights on in the house and Maisy right next to me. I thought about leaving the TV on, too, but thought that may be a bit much. I'm a pansy.
I feel so boring lately on here. Hopefully I'll get a little inspiration soon!

Thursday, May 26


I've gotten some new followers recently, so I figured we could do a little get to know me session. So here's your chance to ask me anything you want! Just leave a comment below and I'll do a Q and A post soon. I may do a vlog to answer some of the questions, but I'm still deciding if I can be brave enough to do that!

I'm also going to 'hide' the comments so the questions are anonymous to everyone! And if no one asks any questions, y'all will never know and I will make them up! Win win! :)

Ready, set, GO!

Wednesday, May 25


I'm linking up with Jamie for What I Love Wednesday!

A few things that are making me happy:

  • Looky what I got!

I got a bonus yesterday at work (being told you are being given surprise money is the best.thing.ever.) and I immediately decided what I wanted to splurge on. Since my 5 year old Dell is barely still alive, and our new iPad is more like a toy than a computer, we decided we could use a new computer to fill the void (enter MacBook). It takes me for-e-ver to upload pictures onto my old computer, and I don't even attempt to edit them. But now I have this fancy schmancy new thing that makes me oh so happy! AND, we got $50 off because of Doug's student discount and a free wireless HP printer! This is one happy girl! Now I just need to figure out how to use it...

  • The Glee season finale. Finnchel is back on. Hallelujah!

  • I'm loving the long weekend coming up...although I don't love the reason for it. My mom is having surgery on Friday to have her thyroid removed. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that she will be able to relax before the surgery. She is a worrier and is nervous about the surgery. I'll be taking Friday off and I get Monday off for the holiday.
  • How about one more thing I'm not loving? I'm NOT loving that I can barely eat anything right now. My tonsils are HUGE and have somehow caused the back of my tongue to swell, as well...which gives me a pretty bad speech impediment. (It's actually kind of funny to hear, but annoying when my job is to answer the phone all day....especially when I can't say the company name!) So all of this makes it so painful to chew/swallow/talk. I'm on antibiotics right now so hopefully they kick in soon!
  • Let's end this on a happy note. I'm loving that (almost) 100 people follow this blog! Thank you for having an interest in my life and reading my ramblings! :) Your comments make my day!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 24

Wedding Week: You're Invited

In honor of our 1st wedding anniversary last Sunday (May 22nd), I decided to do a fun little thing called Wedding Week. My college roommate and BFF, Lesley Anne, did this on her blog and I loved it. So get ready, I am going to document all of the big wedding events on this little blog!

First up, the paper. I have very simple taste (I don't know why my parents laugh at me every time I say this, but I do!) and I prefer simple, classic looks. Since I had been planning this wedding since I was 5 years old, I knew exactly what kind of invitations I wanted. (Doug was a wonderful groom and let me pick out this stuff, since he knew it was way more important to me) After some searching, my mom and I found the perfect invitation for an awesome price.

(I didn't have an extra one laying around, so the framed one will have to do...it cuts off a little of the pink and the rest of the white border)

Next up...my showers and the bachelorette party!

Speaking of bachelorette...I have to include this picture. Here's my little Maisy Mae watching the Bachelorette last night.

And here she is sticking her tongue out at Chris Harrison.
I don't like him either, Mais.

Friday, May 20

Friday Ramblings

  • Our 1 year wedding anniversary is on Sunday, which means.....We finally get to eat our cake!! :) We have a fun-filled weekend ahead but can't make the last decision. What movie should we see, Bridesmaids or Pirates 4? I've heard good things about both! Help!
  • I picked up some Loreal sunless tanning wipes this week...I'll let y'all know how I like them!

L'Oreal Sublime brnz TWLT Pa 6 Med
  • Sweet Doug sent me these beautiful flowers at work! Lilies are my favorite, but I can't have them at the house since they are poisonous to cats. So I get to enjoy them here all day long! Plus they smell ah-mazing.
  • I had Thai food for the very first time today. For some reason, I always associated Thai with Tofu and the thought of it grossed me out, but I learned that they are two different things. It was really good!
  • Big news: I'm planning to wear lipstick this weekend. This never happens.
  • Clearly, I have nothing good to talk about. I apologize for rambling on about Thai food and lipstick. I think this post just needs to end.
Happy weekend!

Tuesday, May 17

Happy Birthday Pep!

My little Pepper Pie is turning 4 today! I can't believe he is already 4!

This cake is from his 1st birthday party....yes, I threw my cat a birthday party. You can just call me "Crazy Cat Lady"

A few of my favorite pictures of Mr. Pepper...

Happy Birthday little Pep Pep! I can't wait to spoil you tonight with canned food and treats :) We love you!

Monday, May 16

The Graduate...Almost

This weekend, we celebrated Doug's graduation from grad school! He is getting his MBA from UGA, and although the graduation ceremony was on Saturday, he is not technically finished until July. But my smart little cookie of a husband has gotten all A's so far, and I have no doubt that he will finish the same way!

Doug and the Dean

The ceremony honored 1,000 students (undergrad and graduate) and they called every.single.person. by name. We may or may not have snuck out, walked to get icecream, watched the SEC track meet, and came back before they were even finished. Poor Doug had to stay for the whole thing though!

Doug, his brother, and his dad

I love this picture!

Congratulations baby! You did it!!! (Almost! :)

Sunday, May 15

Patio Makeover

I think I'm the only one who still hasn't gotten their last post back from Blogger, so I guess I'll try to recreate the post! I'm so sad it deleted the post and comments! Oh well...here's the post (what I can remember that I wrote)

Doug and I finally got around to working on our patio. For an apartment, I'd say our backyard area is pretty good! With a few flower baskets and some mulch, we were very satisfied with the outcome.

Our Craigslist patio set that I'm madly in love with! Doug doesn't understand why it can't be comfortable...beauty is pain, my dear!

I know this is a boring post, but it's one of those things I'll want to remember down the road!

Wednesday, May 11

10 Things I Love

My friend Jessica over at Miss Southern Vol tagged me in this cute game, and I am happy to play along!

So here are my 10 things...

1. Animals
I love my pets the most, obviously, but I reeeeeally love animals. I'm that person who will chase a stray dog, no matter how long it takes (Doug and I actually did this last week, and we found Simba's home! Yay!)

2. Chocolate/food
I could easily make this whole list just about food. But to name a few, I love:

Chicken fingers (and fries)
Brownie Sundae

3. TV/movies
I am an entertainment freak. A few of my favorite shows right now are:

(Rosie Pope is so adorable!)

(I was surprised by how much I like this show!)

4. Blogging
When I started this blog, I had no idea what I was getting myself into! I love it. It has quickly become my favorite hobby. I love writing (never thought I'd say that) about my life, and I love reading others' blogs. And I especially love all of the friends that I've made through blogging! I really don't know what I would do without it everyday! You can't really understand it unless you blog.

5. Family
I couldn't do this list without mentioning my family. I know this is supposed to be 10 'things', but family is at the top of the list for me. I love the little family that Doug and I have now, but there is also nothing better than spending time with both of our families. We are blessed!

6. Travel/Europe
If I won the lottery, there would be no question of what I'd do. I would travel all over the world, eat amazing food, and of course, bring Doug (and the fur babies) along with me. The first place I would go back to is Europe. I loooooove it over there!

7. Decorating/Planning
I had to combine these 2 because they are kind of similar. I love planning and decorating a home, a party, a shower. I am a very organized person so planning all of the little details is so fun to me! I've always dreamt of being a wedding planner...maybe one day!

8. Reading
Reading is definitely one of my favorite things to do ever. I can easily read a book in a day if time allows for it. I was doing great on my reading plan until April...I think I'm just going to skip April's book, South of Broad, since I've heard mixed reviews and read "The Help"...I've heard such great things about it and the movie looks so good!

9. Margaritas
No explanation needed. They are just goooooood.

10. John Mayer
I have loved John since the 8th grade, when I saw him live for the first time. Since then, I have seen him a total of 13 times live, and I'm nowhere near finished.

(I know it's supposed to be 10 things....but, it's my blog, so there will be 11 :)

11. iPhone
My favorite gadget EVER. I am hooked and there's no way I could ever go back to a regular phone. Thanks to everyone on here who convinced me to get it!

I'm supposed to tag people to do this, but I'm opening this up to everyone! If you play along, let me know! :)