Monday, October 31

Our Happy Halloween

In this post, there are the 2 cutest pictures that I've ever taken of Maisy and Pep. Get excited.

We had such a great Halloween! We had the most trick-or-treaters I've ever seen and we ran out of candy pretty quickly. (Since we don't have any left over for us, we may or may not go to the store tomorrow to buy some :)

Our little family was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! 

(Pep doesn't have a colored bandana because I bought the wrong color...oops) adorable are they!? They are such good sports for letting me dress them up! Maisy sat outside with us and helped pass out candy...some of the kids loved her more than the candy!

How was y'all's Halloween? Do you dress up and embarrass your pets, too?

Monday Ramblings

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was a little more relaxed and we needed it. 

On Saturday, our friends from Georgia came over! Jeremy was Doug's roommate in college and he's now in the Navy stationed in San Diego with his wife, Emily. We were SO happy to see some familiar Georgia faces! 
Maisy loved having company and greeted them by standing on them. 

We were SO HAPPY that UGA beat Florida! GO DAWGS! 

Later that night, I finally got around to drilling my second pumpkin. I decided to do polka-dots for this and loved how it turned out. And after gutting it, it literally took 5 minutes. So easy!

Other things:

-I bought my Breaking Dawn tickets a couple weeks ago......SO. EXCITED. I'm going home to Atlanta a few days early for Thanksgiving so my mom and I can go to the midnight show together!

-Allison, Sarah, and Amanda gave me the Liebster Blog award! Thank y'all so much!!

-I just started watching How I Met Your Mother and I kind of love it. I've only been watching reruns, since they come on every channel pretty much all the time, so I have no idea what's happening when. But my favorite so far of Ted's girlfriends is Victoria. I'm hoping she comes back. And Robin kind of annoys me. But Lily and Marshall are ADORABLE! 

-We are so excited for Halloween tonight! This is our first time living in a neighborhood for it, so I hope we get lots of trick-or-treaters! We definitely bought enough candy for the whole neighborhood.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 27

CA Home: Master Bedroom

Next room on the house tour: our bedroom! I was so happy when I saw the paint color of this room. It matched what we already had perfectly! 

That huge blanket pile is Maisy's bed. There's an expensive dog bed and 2 huge blankets in there...she's spoiled rotten. Oh, and a pillow of course :)

I got this little basket/bottle thing at an antique store in Raleigh. Love it!

Our bedroom has this funny little tiled area that I had no idea what to do with at first. We painted our bistro set brown and it was perfect for the spot.

And there's also this area, which I've never seen in a house before. Must be a California thing! This is before we moved in:

As you can see, there are random pebbles and lots of dirt. Not attractive. So we bought a couple bags of mulch, moved all of the rocks to the border and added some pretty adirondack chairs. Much better!

And here's our bathroom. 

Thankfully, our landlords gave us permission to switch out the light fixture. So it went from this

To this! 

I think the guest bedroom will be up next! It's a little more girly than the rest of the house :)

Wednesday, October 26

Race for the Rescues

So I've been waiting until pictures were posted to write this, but apparently that's not going to happen. Since I participated in this race, I didn't have my camera with me, therefore I only took 2 pictures with my phone. Sad. 

Anyways, Doug, Maisy and I went to this awesome race in Pasadena at the Rose Bowl. Obviously, I am a big fan of rescues and it was so amazing to see many different organizations there. They had animals up for adoption, free food, a pet costume contest and more. 

There were several celebs that were supposed to attend as well, including Eden Sher from The Middle. Mario Lopez was supposed to be the host of the event, and Denise Richards was supposed to be a judge in the costume contest, but I think they were both no-shows. Lame.

But I did get to meet the celebrity I was most excited for! Dot-Marie Jones, who plays Coach Beiste on Glee, was there. I finally worked up the nerve to go say hi as she was leaving, and I'm so glad I did. She is tied with Kelly Ripa for the nicest celebrity I've ever met. Seriously, she couldn't be nicer! Loved her.

Maisy had a great time in the race, but afterwards we were all exhausted. We're still recovering actually! :)

Tuesday, October 25

CA Home: Living Room

Okay y'all, it's finally time for our house reveal...the moment you've all been waiting for! (Okay, maybe just me, but I'm pretty excited to show you!) I'm going to post one room at a time, since it takes FOREVER to upload these pictures. *Also, I am terrible at taking indoor pictures...they always have a yellow cast to them....just to warn you.

So here's the living room!

We don't have a drives me CRAZY. Where will our stockings go!?

And my new thing in the room- my penny vase. I found it at Michael's and realized it was perfect for the fireplace. Well, it was $40, but for some reason rang up for A PENNY! Made my week!

Monday, October 24

Monday Ramblings

-Let's get right to it....the Petsmart giftcard giveaway winner is Ashley from Run With Me! Email me your contact info and I'll get this in the mail right away :)

-Jess gave me the Liebster Blog award! Thanks so much, Jess!

-I got a new iPhone cover this weekend, and I can't stop staring at it. It just makes me so happy! It's Kate Spade, and I realized this is my first ever designer purchase....I've never been into big names when it comes to clothes, shoes, purses, etc. I usually choose cheap :) But this was too cute to pass up!

-For all you non-blogger readers, I added a subscribe option at the top of the sidebar. You can subscribe by email to be notified each time I post. Mom, this is mainly for you :)

-Carpal Tunnel is a real thing. For the past week, I've been working on a big project on my computer and now I can't bend my thumb. Ouch.

-Doug, Maisy, and I did a race yesterday! We went to Race for the Rescues at the Rose Bowl, and I even met a celebrity :) There will be a full post on this soon!

-Doug and I finally finished the house (well, we still have to take all of our boxes to be recycled, but that can wait!) so we have been exploring more of this beautiful state. We went to Fashion Island and Balboa Island on Saturday...they were both amazing! I think Balboa Island may be my new favorite place out time I go, I'll remember to bring my camera!

Fashion Island

Balboa Island has THE most beautiful homes...I want them all.
(both pictures from google image)

Now my thoughts on TV this season.
-Revenge is my favorite new show this year. SO. GOOD.
-Glee airs a couple episodes then takes a break until November!? What the heck!? I want more.
-Grey's is killing me with MerDer's problems. I want them to get Zola back and live happily ever after. I don't think that's too much to ask.
-Once Upon a Time was pretty good last night! I love Ginnifer Goodwin. It's officially on the DVR now.
-The Walking Dead is amazing once again. But I don't think it's good for my the end of the episode, my heart is racing!
-Doug and I think The Office is better this season than it has been in a while....well, we thought that until the latest episode...that one kind of struggled.
-Did anyone watch Gene Simmons Family Jewels: The Wedding? Doug thought I was a little crazy for crying so much through it. It was so emotional! The marriage boot camp? Killed me. I am happy they are married and hope Gene keeps his word!

-This face is begging for some love, so I think that's enough rambling for now.

Happy Monday!

Friday, October 21

Fur Baby Friday: the saga of a twenty-something

Y'all are about to see the most adorable little pup. My friend, Alex, is here to introduce you to her precious little Boston! For me, it was love at first sight. I dare you not to fall in love with this little face! 


I'd love to thank Julie for letting us come over to her little place in the blog world today! I'm Alex, from the saga of a twenty-something, and this is Dolly:

Dolly is 11 years young. She's actually the boyfriend's dog; he got her when she was just a little puppy, and (according to him) she could just fit in the palm of his hand. Now, she's a bit bigger, a bit older and wee bit slower, but she's still the best dog in the whole wide world. I've been lucky enough to know her for the past three years. When we started dating, I had to get Dolly-approved. Thankfully, I passed the test. And now she lets me love her and take pictures of her whenever I want.

I grew up without pets, so any dog was good in my book. It just so happens that Dolly is well-trained and one of the nicest dogs out there. Unless you're another dog. She actually doesn't play very nicely with other dogs.

Oh, you want to see more goofy pictures of her? Here you go...

She, unlike most Boston Terriers, has a longer tail, which forces her to sit like a human, with her back legs sticking out. She also hates to have her tail and her front paws touched. Consider yourself warned.

Dolly has a very special talent: she snores. A LOT. You'd think that as a smaller dog, she'd make less noise. But nope. She's a champion snorer. Sometimes we have to kick her out of our bedroom at night because she's snoring so loud.

At the end of the day, she's a cuddly little baby who loves to be touched. And she's the best dog ever :)

pardon her demon eyes.
Stop by and say hello to us sometime :) And thanks for having me again Julie!


Y'all leave Alex some love, then make sure to enter my $20 Petsmart gift card giveaway! It ends Sunday!

Thursday, October 20

Free Pearls!

I have to tell y'all about the deal my mom just told me about! Stauer is giving away a free strand of pearls! Just follow this link to get your free strand worth $300! All you have to do is pay shipping and handling ($25)

So go get yours now before they run out!

Wednesday, October 19

SoCal Blogger Meet-Up

Last weekend, I went to the first SoCal blogger meet-up. I was so excited to meet some great girls out here! We met at Tanaka Farms, where we did the corn maze and then scoured the pumpkin patch for that perfect pumpkin. Or in my case, 3 perfect pumpkins (told you I'm obsessed).

Afterwards, we went back to my house for cupcakes and mimosas. I made carrot cake and chocolate mocha. Yum. 

Maisy also made a new friend. She followed Sarah's precious little girl, Samantha, around everywhere. And even snuck in a few kisses. 

Tammy stopped by at the end! Loved this glad you could make it, Tammy!

We had such a great time and a Christmas meet-up is already in the works!