Monday, February 28

The Oscars

I'm sure that all of you are tired of hearing me complain, so let's move on to something a lot more fun, shall we?

I was so excited to watch the Oscars last night. Because of my slight severe obsession with celebrities, I just can't get enough of awards season. And, of course, I loooove looking at all of the beautiful actors dresses. :)

My favorites
This was my favorite dress of the night. I thought Mila looked simply perfect. I'm normally not a huge purple fan, but she rocked this lavender.  

I looooove Anne's red carpet dress.

Halle Berry looks stunning as always. I'm not totally in love with the bottom of the dress, but she can somehow pull it off.

It seems as though everyone either loves or hates this dress, but I thought Gwenyth looked incredible!

Hailee Steinfeld is so adorable!!! She couldn't have looked better last night. Not to mention, she also designed this dress!?

I love Natalie Portman. I was not a fan of her SAG Awards dress, but I thought this gown was lovely on her baby bump.

And, my favorite person ever. She is just. so. cute!
Reese Witherspoon Giorgio Armani 2011 Academy Awards Oscars red carpet dress best dressed

Now for the not so good...

Oh, Nicole! What did you do! You are so elegant and classy, yet you chose this awful thing that makes your hips look huge. Sad day for you.

This is just weird.

And I know people love this dress, and I do love parts of it, but I'm just not a big fan of the 'framing of the chest'

Melissa Leo annoys me to no end. Her speech was annoying. And she stole Kirk Douglas's cane! I'm pretty sure he needed that!

And finally, James Franco. He annoys me, too. He seemed high, and very aloof. It bothered me. Not a fan! I don't think he had anything to offer as a host, and poor Anne Hathaway seemed like she felt that she had to overcompensate for him. I like her and overall, I think she did a good job, but she was just a little too goofy for me...

I want Hugh Jackman back!


Friday, February 25

Change of Plans

This weekend is going to be a little different than planned. (I promise this is the last complaining, whiny post from me!)

I have been looking forward to this weekend for a while. I was signed up to be a "personal shopper" at tomorrow's Share the Dress event. I was sooo excited about this, not only because I have a weird love for prom dresses, but I was so looking forward to helping these girls find a dress that they would feel beautiful in. Since I can barely walk to the bathroom without getting winded, I had to cancel :-(

Saturday night, I was supposed to have a girls' night with two of my BFFs from high school. Suzanne and Rachael are two of my favorite people and we just don't get to see each other enough. We were planning on going out to dinner in Decatur then having a good 'ole sleepover, complete with dessert and a chick flick. But once I came down with this evil sickness, we decided it would be best to reschedule since they can't enter the quarantined area that is our apartment.

And last but not least, my mom was supposed to come spend the night on Thursday night and bring my precious dog, Deuce, with her. My parents are out of town for the weekend, and I was SO EXCITED to have Deuce all to myself for the weekend! But, my parents were afraid to come near us so, no Deuce for us! Not that I can blame them...I called my mom every time I felt like crying this week so she knows just how fun the flu was for us.

Instead, this weekend will be full of movies, naps, Tylenol, and cough drops. Thank goodness for Netflix! :-) Speaking of, I just watched Avatar yesterday for the first time...I loved it! Can't believe it's taken me this long to watch it! We also saw Red this was great, too!

Anywho, hope y'all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 23

Bacon Fever

Day 3 of the flu for me, Day 4 for Doug.

(Get ready for some major complaining...)

We found out, I can't remember when, the days are all running together now, that one of Doug's co-workers has the swine we're thinking that's where we got this from. Doug calls it Bacon Fever.

It is I couldn't move/get out of bed yesterday until late afternoon when I finally threw up. (Sorry this is so disgusting) I had been nauseous for hours and I did feel better once I finally did it. My fever was up to 104 all day yesterday, which scared us a lot. We called the doctor to see if we should go to the hospital but apparently that's what he expected to happen....thanks for letting me know, Doc! I was feeling so terrible yesterday that I didn't even want my computer...that shocked Doug. I am a computer-holic. He said he would come in the room and I would just be staring at the wall....for hours...this is definitely the sickest I have ever been.

And today, I woke up with no voice! I can whisper, but when I do, I have this violent little cough that I can't seem to stop. My fever is down today between 100-101 and it's the best I've felt since Sunday.

Poor Doug isn't feeling so great today. He's really dizzy so he's sleeping right now. Luckily, his fever is down.

Needless to say, we will both be getting the flu shot next year!

Monday, February 21

Valentine's Day Pillow Fight

Doug and I have the flu. We are both fevery and achy and can't stop coughing. He actually got it Saturday night so we went to the doctor yesterday, and then I woke up with it times!

Anyways, last Sunday Doug and I went to Atlanta's 1st Annual Pillow Fight. It was actually created by my good friend's brother, and we knew that it would be a good time. It was at Centennial Olympic Park and it was hilarious...but sadly it was cut short by some silly security guards. Without further adieu, here it is!


Sunday, February 20

And the winner is...

I used to get the winner

1. Ashley
2. Ashley
3. Ashley
4. Amy
5. Amy
6. Meghan
7. Meghan
8. Emma
Amy said, "Would most definitely buy something to make my Yelly girl smile, maybe a cute bathing suit for her swimming physical therapy."

(I wasn't sure if it was okay to post this, but Amy left a comment on this post so I will go ahead and fill y'all in.) Amy was our wedding coordinator at the church we were married in, and she is just a lovely person with a lovely family. Her 7 year old daughter, Danielle, was diagnosed with leukemia just over a month ago. So I am very happy that Amy can use this giftcard to buy something for Danielle!
Congratulations, Amy! Please email me at with your address!

Thanks everyone for entering! Even if you didn't win, I think we all deserve a little trip to Target anyways :-)

Thursday, February 17

Giveaway Extended

Soooo I have decided to extend the giveaway to Saturday night at midnight (EST)! I'll announce the winner on Sunday.

If you love Target as much as I do, then go here to enter to win a $25 gift card!

PS - Did anyone else LOVE Glee on Tuesday? I swear I smiled through the entire episode.
I may have Bieber Fever.

image via

Tuesday, February 15

Target Gift Card Giveaway

Hello friends!

In celebration of 100 posts, I have decided to host my very first giveaway! When I first started this blog, I had no idea how much I would love blogging (or that anyone would want to read what I have to say). It's been such a wonderful hobby where I get to record all of our newlywed memories, get advice, recipes, ideas, and meet great people. I want to thank you all for following along with me! :)

When thinking of what to give away, I was wondering what I would want most. Immediately, I thought of the most fun place to go.....TARGET. I love love LOVE this store, and I could spend all day in there and spend way too much money.

So I am giving away a
$25 Target gift card!

How to enter: Please leave a separate comment for each entry!

Mandatory Entry:

1 entry - Be a public follower of my blog and tell me that you are
(you need either a yahoo, google, or twitter account to do this)

Extra Entries:

1 entry - Tell me what you would buy with the gift card
1 entry - Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post (also leave the link to your post in the comment)

The giveaway will be open through Friday at 11:59pm and I will have the randomly chosen winner announced on Sunday night!

Good luck! :)

Monday, February 14

A Different Kind of Valentine's

After having a wonderful weekend, I woke up in a great mood. It's Valentine's Day. I'm married to the love of my life. He gave me a ton of chocolate. How could it get better!?

Then I look at my Blogger Dashboard to see the new posts I haven't read, and I see one that makes my heart stop. I have been following Sarah's blog while she has battled cancer. I've never met her, but I have always admired the way she dealt with this horrible illness. From watching one of her videos, you can instantly tell what an incredible person she is. She is always praising God for the good things in her life, despite what she is going through.

So when I read the post written by her (newlywed) husband saying that she is fading fast and will probably pass soon, I was overwhelmed with sadness. I cried for this person that I've never met.

So on this Valentine's Day, I want to encourage everyone to appreciate today. To all the single girls reading this, I've been single before on V-day and I know how easy it is to be bitter. To the girls who have someone special in their lives, don't take it for granted. You might be thinking, "who is this girl to preach to us?" Well, I am just a girl who was moved by Sarah's perspective on life. She had a terrible thing happen to her, and yet she was glorifying God for all the good He has done in her life.

So today, I know I will be thankful for all of the love in my life. From Doug, from our families, from my friends, from you all...I am extremely thankful.

Happy Valentine's Day, friends.

Sunday, February 13

I'm Lovin' It...

Watch out - I'm full of love right now....this blog is about to get real cheesy. We have had the best weekend we've had in...I don't even know how long. It's been pretty dang perfect. Here's what I've been loving:

a new tube of mascara

great talks with the hubby

amazing coffee

90's weekend on Star 94

the great message at church this morning

my new makeup bag (that I got for FREE!)

going to bed at 8:30 on friday

beautiful weather

cute boots

a great chick flick

a fancy dinner date

delicious wine

a lazy saturday

icecream cake

I have definitely been spoiled this weekend :-)

Friday, February 11

Mr. Cupcake

Last week, after eating one three too many cupcakes from Gigi's, I walk in the kitchen to find this in the box:

In case you were questioning it, yes, he is the cutest thing ever.

Mid-yawn = a little creepy, but still cute.

Also, thanks to everyone for the sweet comments about the new design...I'm definitely keeping it!

I hope everyone finds a little sweetness this weekend for Valentine's Day! :)

Thursday, February 10

New Design

If you didn't read my previous post, my background was "retired" and I was sad. So I looked through hundreds of backgrounds and tried about 100 of them...and I finally found one background that I could work with. I was looking for something similiar/identical to my last one, but I had no luck. So I figured a whole new look might be good. So what do y'all think? I still want to add a few things to it, but I want to make sure I'm sticking with this one first. I did find one pink background I liked so I could still use the old color scheme....I need y'all's opinions!

 Should I go with the new look of the red and black (go dawgs!) or stick with the girly pink look?

PS- I got a comment that the background wasn't showing up and is just plain it working for y'all?

Wednesday, February 9

Sad Day

My heart is a little broken right now! My background, which I was madly in love with, has been "retired" and is no longer available. So my blog will look like this ugly color until I can find a new one. I'm so sad about this!

Tuesday, February 8

Mr. Squirrel

First, I wanted to tell y'all how much I love all of my blog friends! Y'all seriously made my day yesterday with all of the sweet comments about our apartment. So thank you! I really love blogging and especially the friendships I have made through it. It may seem silly to those outside of the "blog world," but I don't think you can really understand it until you experience it...I know I didn't! So, to celebrate my 100th post coming up, I want to do a little giveaway! More details to come...

I also decided to buy my own domain for the blog. So you can now just go to to read about our life! It's still in the transition period (and some of the apps on the side bars are a little messed up) but it should be good to go in a few days. It will also redirect traffic if you go to the old link. I just thought it was so cool to have your own domain for only $10! Haha I couldn't resist!

In other news...
We have a new friend. Meet Mr. Squirrel:


We put out pieces of bread for him, and Pep we just watch him for hours outside the window.

Pep usually just sits there and shakes his tail. But one time, Mr. Squirrel was really close to the window and Pep decided to SMACK the window with his paw. It scared Mr. Squirrel, but he realized that Pep couldn't get to him, so he just kept on eating, taunting my little Pep!

Also, notice how my cute little baby sits. Yes, he sits lopsided. He has always done this and I just find it hilarious. Normally, cats have perfect posture but Pep is a slumper. Oh how I love him!

So this is what we do on Saturdays. Doug puts a bunch of bread crumbs on the patio and the 3 of us wait for squirrels to come eat it. What an exciting life we live! :) But I wouldn't change it for anything. Those lazy days with Doug and Pep are my favorite. And now we have added a bird feeder....WHOA! That's a lot of excitement in one day! :) 

Monday, February 7

Our New Apartment

I'm finally done! Actually, that's not true. I still need to add 2 things, but I figured this post can happen without those 2 things! I still need to make the headboard for the guest room...I'll explain more later. And I need to find a third curtain-pull-back thing for our room since Wal-mart ran out of our color. But I'm super excited to finally be (almost) finished and to share our new home with y'all! Working on the apartment has pretty much been the only thing I've done in my free time/weekends for the past month, and I am thrilled for it to end soon! it is! (You can click on the pictures to make them HUGE!)

Master Bedroom:

(This is where I need the 3rd pull-back thing)

My huge, wonderful closet. This is the first time I've ever been able to fit all of my clothes into ONE CLOSET!

There really wasn't much to work with in our bathroom. It's pretty outdated, but at least it's big and has everything we need!

The guest bedroom (yes! we are now accepting visitors! :)
I definitely needed a girly room in the apartment, so this room makes me happy everytime I look in it. Majority of the stuff in here, besides the bedding, is from my room during college.

**The only thing missing from this room is the headboard. I want to make a picket fence headboard, and I went to buy the pickets this weekend...apparently there are chemicals in them and they are not for indoor use. So my awesome dad said he can cut me some pickets if I pick out a design I like! Hopefully we can do the project in the next couple weeks! I'll definitely do a post on it once it's done!**

Doug and I made the mosaic on the wall when we first started dating...we bought sheets of glass, painted them different colors, smashed them with hammers, and glued them into a design!

Mom and I came up with this cute little idea. I had used this pail in my bathroom during college, and we figured some hydrangeas would look good in there!

I think this is my favorite room now. I love the fireplace and the huge glass door. (and I finally finished the curtains! Check 'em out!)

Pep sits here all day and watches birds and squirrels. (We just bought that bird feeder yesterday but no birds came...Doug was very do they find the feeders anyway?!)

My favorite thing in the apartment...I looooove this fireplace!

The kitchen and dining area

One of my very favorite wedding gifts! I loooove this tray and just had to find somewhere to put it! (Thanks McCleskeys! :)

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed the tour :)