Friday, October 7

Fur Baby Friday: Me!

I decided to take a break from the guest posts this week so I could share some of the adorable pictures I've taken lately of Maisy and Pep! They are mostly crappy iPhone pictures but adorable nonetheless :)

Pep hiding in the packing paper

She prefers to sleep like a human

My parents' cute cat, Charlie, and Pep hanging out

She may be a little spoiled

Maisy's gameday attire

They love each other!

I already had this post scheduled and ready to post, and then this happened last night...

Melted. My. Heart. 

We were watching The Office, Maisy was asleep at my feet, and Pep comes over and curls up on top of her. I took about 400 pictures of it until Pep finally got annoyed with the flash and left. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

So which one is your favorite?

*PS: There will be a giveaway coming soon on Fur Baby Friday!*


  1. OH. MY. GOSH.

    They are too precious. I absolutely love those last two pictures. They are CUDDLING! That seriously kills me because my dog wants to kill my cat (and vice versa, I'm pretty sure).

  2. I take waaay to many pics of my pets too!

  3. so cute! I came in today and my cats were sitting in a window and one had his paw on the others back. They moved before I could get a pic but it was so stinking cute!

  4. that is so sweet. i love seeing two very different animals snuggle together.

    piper loves to sleep in drawers and get on top of the cabinets, also.

  5. Oh my gosh. Your babies are hilarious and so photogenic :) Love it.

  6. My favorite pictures are the one of your dog cuddling up in bed, and your cat peeking through all the paper. My cat loves paper and boxes.

    That is great that your dog and cat love each other! Mine can't stand each other. Well, mainly the cat can't stand the dog. Who can blame her though, when all he does is torment and chase her?!

  7. Oh my gosh the picture of the cat sleeping on top of the dog is priceless. I would've taken a million pictures too. :)

  8. I love all your photos! Have a fab weekend!!

  9. Sooo cute! As a serious lover of all my pets, I love this post! :)

  10. Oh my gosh, I seriously adore these loves! Maisy sleeping is precious. I love how she is on the pillow and tucked under the covers! Haha!!

  11. they are too precious. man i wish i could have gotten sean's cat and kip to be more friendly, they could never be in the same room without kip taking a swipe of the cat's paw in his face. and maisy and you in bed with the pillows exactly how my household looks too1

  12. Awww how cute! They are too adorable!!!

  13. awwww cute! This post has me missing my dog Sugar who passed away a couple months ago.


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