Monday, February 13

Not Here, But There

Just stopping in real quick to let y'all know that I'm guest posting over at Mackey Madness today! I'm telling the story of how Doug and I don't want to miss it! 


  1. LOVED your post over there at Mackey crack me up.
    New follower =)
    Much Love,

  2. Coming over from Megan's blog! I loved reading your love story. So sweet!

  3. I can't believe you met on a beach far away, but really lived 15 minutes away from each other in "real life." Must have been meant to be!

    Are you and Doug doing anything for Valentine's Day? I've been super quiet on Blogger lately because life has been so crazy, and I need to be caught up!

  4. I seriously cannot believe that's how you met Doug. That is so perfect. I love that he "called dibs" on you. That's also a pretty awesome golf picture - love the socks.

    You two are so wonderful! I hope you both have the BEST Valentine's Day ever! :)


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