Thursday, March 8

Four Years Ago- How We Met

**I just wanted to thank everyone for their advice, support, and sweet thoughts in my last post. I was blown away by it, and I feel SO much better after reading all of the comments, emails, and texts from y'all. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! This is why I love the blog world!**

A few weeks ago, I posted this love story on Megan's blog, but figured it needed to be documented here as well! And what better day to do this than today- the 4 year anniversary of when Doug and I met! 

Here's the scene: Spring Break. 2008. Destin, Florida.

I had just gotten out of a relationship, so I was ready for a boy-free week to clear my head and have fun with friends. However, God had other plans for me!

So there we were, enjoying our first day on the beach, when I see 2 cute guys walk onto the beach. (And I noticed that one had a particularly cute butt...yup, it's the first thing I noticed about him!) I thought to myself that we have to meet them. (I found out later that they had spotted us as well, and Doug had "called dibs on the blonde one" :)

I came up with a brilliant plan to ask them to watch our stuff while we went on a walk. When I went over to meet them, I found out that we were both attending UGA and we went to rival high schools 15 minutes apart! 

After our walk, the boys told us that they had kept our stuff safe from a group of robbers that came through. To this, I responded with "my hero!" and held my hands over my heart....I still can't believe I said that! SO cheesy!

And that's how I met my husband. We hung out all week- playing golf, dancing at a club, playing a mean game of wiffleball (where I crushed the ball and ended the game), sharing grapes and cookies on the beach, and ending the week with our first kiss on a pier. 

One year and 2 months later, Doug proposed to me on that same pier! 


  1. Oh my goodness, SUCH a sweet love story!!

  2. I love you guys. I still think it was crazy fate that made you two meet. I have been behind on my blogging and feel bad that I didn't comment on your earlier post. I don't have anything to add on the subject, but I will add you to my prayers!

  3. ok i had heard your love story firsthand but i loved reading it again - so sweet!

    are you still coming next week/weekend?! i hope so - miss you!!

  4. Oh I just loved reading this. Love always comes when we least expect it! And I can just picture you saying "my hero..." Haha. That's amazing.

  5. Cutest love story ever. Seriously!!

  6. Ofcourse I've already read this but it's so cute I read it again.

    Your beach pictures are making me ache to go to the beach!Especially the whiffle ball one for some reason. I just love beach days, even the ones that are cloudy.

    Just curious, what highschool did Doug go to? And what is the picture from where yall are wearing the high socks?

    Blah I really need to get back into blogging but I never know what to say!!

  7. Awww that is so sweet. Especially since he took you back to the pier to propose!

    - Sarah

  8. That is so cute! How amazing that you got pictures to capture all that and look back at the memories :)

  9. LOVE this story!! It's so sweet. Love stories/How-We-Met stories are my favorite :)


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