Monday, July 30

Cincinnati Happenings

As I mentioned last week, we recently visited Cincinnati for a family reunion. Besides meeting up with a few blog friends, our weekend was filled with delicious food and sweet time with family.

My favorite restaurant in LA, Palomino, also has a location in Cincy! So of course, that was our first stop.

There are flying pigs all over the city. 

I'm still dreaming of this ice cream.

Fountain Square

Lunch on the river

Mom and Mamaw

I have the cutest grandparents in the world, who will be celebrating 60 years of marriage in October!

We visited my mom's cousin's farm, where I squealed over miniature donkeys and goats. I could totally live on a farm! I think it's my dream to be surrounded by animals :) But there would need to be pigs- lots of 'em!

Such a beauty!
The last Cincinnati post of our family reunion will be coming soon!

Tuesday, July 24

Cincinnati Blogger Meet Up!

Last weekend, Doug and I met up with my family in Cincinnati for a family reunion. And it just so happens that some of my favorite blog friends also live in Cincinnati. We had one of the best meet-ups of all time! 
I had the pleasure of meeting Brittany of Blogging Out Loud, Emma of Legally Lovely, and Allison from Nestful of Love. Allison is a such a sweetheart and we absolutely hit it off! Brittany and Emma were actually my first blog friends, so it was amazing that we finally got to meet after 2 years! I couldn't have loved them any more. 
Allison and me 

Brittany, Emma, me, Allison

Allison and her husband, Drew (such a cute couple!)

Me and Doug :)

Me, Emma, Britt

Everyone at the game got free pizza and ice cream because the Reds got 11 strikeouts! Happy girls!

Emma, Brittany, me, Doug, Allison, Drew

Friday night fireworks!

Drew, Allison, Doug, me, Brittany, Emma, and her boyfriend Alex
After the game, we enjoyed some Graeter's, which is by far the best ice cream I've ever had. I may have had it 4 times in 3 days :)

We really had a perfect night- great company, winning game, delicious food, and beautiful weather. Girls, I had the best time meeting y'all and hope that it's not another 2 years before we can see each other again!

Well, Brittany and I certainly couldn't go long without seeing each other again....Doug and I met up with her and her friends at a brewery on Saturday night, and I really don't know the last time I laughed that hard! Not only do I love Brittany, but all of her sweet and hilarious friends, too! Jenn, I wasn't kidding when I said you should start your own blog. I need that humor on a daily basis! 

This just goes to show how incredible the blog world is! 

Monday, July 16

Weekend Recap

Our weekend consisted of:

Getting a season pass to Boomer's. Unlimited batting cages, mini-golf, bumper boats, arcade games, and best of all- LASER TAG.

 On Sunday, we met up with our wonderful neighbors at Lake Perris and spent the day on the boat, riding jet skis, and lounging in the sun with their new puppy!

Then, we went back to Boomer's and played 4 more hours of laser tag. We may have a problem... :)

Wednesday, July 11

Pep & Diego

I haven't posted pictures of the pets in SO long, but that is changing! Yesterday I walked into the kitchen and saw the cutest thing I've ever seen. One of the main reasons I wanted to get another kitten was so Pep could have a buddy. When we go out of town, Maisy stays at our neighbor's house, and I always felt SO guilty about leaving poor Pep by himself. Well, once we got Diego, I hoped that they would get along...but they blew all of my expectations out of the water! They love each other and are always together. Pep treats Diego like he's his baby and is constantly licking him. Melts my heart!

Gah! These pictures give me a big 'ol lump in my throat! I've never seen cats love each other so much. Also, Maisy is involved in this love-fest they have going on. She is just as much in love with them as they are with her, it's precious. I know everybody says this, but I think we have the world's best pets :)

Tuesday, July 10

Tuesday Ramblings

-Doug and I spent the weekend in Vegas with his parents and we had a BLAST. Seriously, I don't think I could love that city more. Good food, crazy-people watching, and poker...what more could you ask for? :) I was a bad blogger and only took two pictures the whole weekend, but a good time was had by all!
Not sure why this picture turned out so bad, but it's the only one we got!
-I've had a lack of blog inspiration lately and I've realized that this happens every summer. It's kind of nice to step away from it for a bit, but I do miss talking with y'all! 

-Today was my 4th day of bootcamp. I'm proud of myself that I'm finally sticking with it, but it sure does kick my butt every. single. time. As for the healthy eating, that's been the biggest struggle. Since I've been working out, I am hungry ALL THE TIME! Somebody find me a cookie!

-Now for a few Bachelorette thoughts. This is my favorite season, by far. I love Emily- I think she handles everything with class and kindness, and the guys are actually pretty great this season, too. Jef has won me over in the past few episodes with his sweet letter and I do think they make the best couple out of the 3 guys. But oh my goodness, do I love Sean. He's probably the best guy who's ever been on this show, and all you single ladies better run to Dallas. He handled his exit so perfectly and was a gentleman the entire time. Love him! As for Arie, I just don't see it! I don't think he's very cute and I'm not convinced that he is sincere. He and Emily definitely have physical chemistry but I don't see a connection beyond that! What do y'all think?