Monday, January 7

Diego Turns One

My little baby turned 1 yesterday! We are so blessed that this little guy joined our family almost a year ago. He really completed our family- he is Pep's best friend and he thinks that Maisy is his mama. It makes me choke up every time I see the babies loving up on each other, and sometimes I still can't believe our pets love each other this much. I've never seen anything like it between 3 animals and I probably never will again! We are blessed, and I just love these 3 so much. Happy Birthday little Diego, you have brought so much laughter and happiness into our lives!

A few pictures from the day we adopted him

Meeting for the first time 

Diego was absolutely terrified of Maisy at first, but it only took him a day to realize she is the sweetest girl in the world.

It took us just seconds to fall in love with this sweet boy...this is when Doug really became a 'cat person' (something he still won't admit :)

And now some tons of my favorite pictures of these 3


  1. Oh my gosh -- I can't believe how much they snuggle! Cutest photos ever. Thanks so much for sharing! :-) Happy Birthday, Diego!

  2. Soo stinkin' cute!!

    I love his ear hairs!!!

    Happy birthday Diego!

  3. Happy birthday Diego!!!! YAY! Also, does Maisy always sleep with her tongue out?! So presh.

  4. AWWWWW, KITTEN. Happy Birthday, Diego!! Can't believe how adorable all your pets are together. We have the same dynamic at home (one dog, two cats) and Mac's always trying to badger the cats and Sally's always hissing and it's just a mess. Jealous!

  5. Omg those pictures are just absolutely darling!!!! How Sweet!!! Happy Birthday Sweet Kitty Boy!!! =)

  6. whenever i'm in a bad mood i need to look at these photos! so freaken cute!!!

    happy birthday to your kitty!

  7. Diego is just precious as are all your pets!!! I'm glad Doug is moving to the dark side and finally realizing how wonderful cats are. Haha. :)

  8. Happy Birthday Diego!! I love how cute the pictures are of Diego and Maisy!

  9. Happy (late) birthday Diego!!!

  10. What sweet babies you have! And Maisy looks like she could be my dog, Fifty's sister :)

  11. Awww, so cute! Happy birthday little one! :)


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