Monday, January 28

Monday Ramblings

Just a bunch of randoms today!

Last week, I took Maisy to the vet to have a lump on her arm looked at. She had surgery on Wednesday to have it removed, and of course, I was a nervous/crying wreck all day. When we brought her home, she was still super drugged and was just acting so pitiful. The kitties loved on her non-stop, kissing her all over her face and snuggling with her. This, of course, made me cry even more :) But a few days later, Maisy is feeling great and the lump is BENIGN!!! 

When Maisy has surgery, I get super emotional and can't seem to leave her side until I know she's okay and feeling good. So since I had all of this down time, I decided to watch a series I'd heard such great things about- Parenthood. Y'all weren't kidding, this show is amazing. My favorite family is Sara's. As a Gilmore Girls fanatic, I love that Sara is very similar to Lorelei. I absolutely love Amber, and Drew is just adorable and so sweet. I just finished Season 3, but I know who Sara picks at the end of Season 4 and I am NOT happy about it. What did y'all think of it? (I'm trying not to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet!)

Couch 2 5K
One of my (many) New Year's Resolutions is to complete Couch 2 5K. I tried it a year ago and made it 4 weeks before I quit. This time, I'm determined to finish it. I'm hoping it will make me enjoy running. Right now? I HATE IT. But I have hope that this will change! (For the record, I'm still going strong on all of my resolutions! I've never lasted this long before!)
Several people have asked what app this is- it's called Ease Into 5k but I think it's exactly the same format as Couch 2 5k. Plus, you can choose those fun little faces to describe how you were feeling on that day :)

LC Lauren Conrad
I have to share one of my favorite clothing lines- LC Lauren Conrad at Kohl's. I have found some of my favorite pieces from her line, and just recently I came across this gold foil sweater that's on sale! I've been obsessed with gold for a while now, so this just had my name all over it. Plus it has tiny bows on the back. What's not to love? 

I also need to tell y'all about my newfound skin saver. I'll be completely honest, I take terrible care of my skin. I have the bad habit of sleeping with my makeup on (GASP!) and I rarely used moisturizer. Because of this, my pores are big. I really thought there wasn't much I could do to reverse this, but one fateful day in Target changed this. I was looking for a new moisturizer when the Boots rep came up to me and recommended their line of products. She told me it was "department store quality for drugstore price." And at this, I was sold! I bought the face wash, moisturizer, eye cream (my first time using eye cream!), and the pore refining serum. Y'all, this stuff works wonders. I've only been using it for a couple weeks, but I can tell a huge difference in my skin. Doug even noticed! My pores have reduced in size considerably, so I'm really excited to see what it'll look like in the upcoming weeks. I just bought the exfoliating mask today, and I have no doubt it'll be amazing, too! 
*Boots has no idea I'm writing this...I just had to tell y'all about these products!*


  1. I am on season 4 episode 7 of the new season and have no idea who Sarah is going to pick, but I hope my gut feeling is right. We were probably being bums together on the couch watching Parenthood together at the same time! So happy to hear the news about Maisy!

  2. I need to try the boots products because I'm exactly like you with never washing my makeup off. Glad you like it, I'll def try it now :)

  3. Soo glad Macie is okay!!! and that it was benign!!!

    I love love love parenthood!!

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  5. Yay Macie! And yay running! Keep it up girl, you're seriously doing AWESOME!

  6. SO glad Maisy is ok and feeling better!! Poor things. :(

  7. Thank goodness Maisy is ok!! That sweater is adorable!

  8. I am SO glad to hear that Maisy came back alright. I know you and the cats would be an absolute wreck if anything happened to her. Glad she is healthy and being loved on!

    P.S. I went to Indy this past weekend to see Brittany and chase some Reds players. We both were thinking of you and wishing you were there!!

  9. I'm so glad that your pup is ok!!

  10. I'm SO glad the lump was benign!!!!!! Phew, such a relief for you guys.

    And I'm totally looking into the pore refinining goodness. I have HUGE pores and I don't wear make-up at alllll.

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  12. SO happy that Maisy is doing well and that the bump is benign! PTL!

    I started watching Season 1 of Parenthood and didn't finish. I have so many other shows that I'm already watching, so it's been hard to get hooked on newer shows.

  13. You are a real young man that took the dog to the vet and took care of her after the operation, write my paper for me it is worthy of respect.


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