Thursday, May 16

What I'm Loving Lately

Gel nail polish- I was very apprehensive about trying these because of some reviews I read online- some people say they damage your nails. But I finally tried them and loved them! They stayed on for about 3 weeks with no chipping! And removal was so easy- I actually did it myself at home! I didn't notice any difference in the strength of my nails after removing them either. I plan on only getting gel for special occasions, just to make sure my nails stay healthy and strong. Have you tried gel before?

Doug and I watched Duck Dynasty for the first time about a month ago, and OH MY WORD, we are obsessed! I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard during a show. They are all hilarious and lovable, but Si is obviously my favorite. We have already watched every episode and are now depressed that we have to wait for Season 4.

I recently bought my first Thirty One bag, and I absolutely love it! It's the Large Utility Tote, and I usually keep it in the back of my car to carry in groceries. Lauren is a friend of mine from high school, and she was so helpful as I ordered these! Check out her page if you'd like one of your own!

I just love this picture so much. I mean, how much sweeter can it get?

While Maisy was recovering from her surgery, I watched the whole Friday Night Light series. So many people told me that it was the best show ever, and I must say that it lived up to every expectation! I was SO SAD when it ended. Tami Taylor is probably my favorite character of all time, and I am a little bit in love with Tim Riggins and Coach. I just want more! I heard that they're writing a script for a movie? I hope it happens!

I'm also loving that in 2 short days, we will be in Cancun! We are going back to where we honeymooned for our 3rd anniversary, and it's literally all we can think about these days. Unlimited food, margaritas, and daily poker tournaments....paradise, here we come!

My goal was to lose 15 pounds by the time we went to Mexico. Well, I've lost 12.5 pounds and I'm pretty dang happy about that! It was really hard work and some days I felt like quitting, but I am so happy that I stuck with it. I plan on splurging as much as I want on my vacation (hello, it's all-inclusive! It'd be a crime to not take advantage of that!) and then once I get back, I'll start working on losing the last 5 pounds. But for now, I'm going to be happy and celebrate this achievement that I never thought I'd see!
photo via

And with a little weight loss and an upcoming vacation, I've treated myself to a few new pretty things! I found this skirt and belt at a local consignment store- I got both for $14! Besides my wedding dress, I think this is the most excited I've ever been to wear an outfit! :)


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!!! Looks like a super cute skirt! Where did you buy the gel polish? I like this idea!

  2. FNL is one of my FAVORITE shows ever!!! I was so so sad when it ended. LOVE Riggins mmmm mmm ;) I heard about a movie too so I hope it happens!!

    Have so much fun on your trip!! I'm so jealous (:

  3. I love, love, love Duck Dynasty!! Have fun on your trip!

  4. congrats on your weight loss! and have a blast in Cancun!

    We LOVED FNL, it will suck you in!

  5. I'm so jealous of your vacation! I would love to go back to Aruba where we honeymooned...but it'll be like 50 years before we can afford another all inclusive resort vacation like that! ha!! Have a blast!

  6. Well there's the skirt and belt! haha! Love that you found them at a consignment shop! And 12.5 pounds?! GO YOU! Matt and I LOVED FNL... so good! Tim Riggins- yes ma'am agreed. :) Super cute bag by the way! I wonder if Lauren would want to host a giveaway to promote her business?! I would host it with you!

    Great post, Julie!

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