Tuesday, June 25

A Big, Exciting, Scary Announcement!

For the past couple of years, I've had ideas floating around in my head about different careers I'd enjoy. But honestly, I was too afraid to try. So I stuck with what was familiar and stayed in my comfort zone. I don't know exactly what pushed me to try for more, but I finally got the courage to just try. 

I am starting my own professional organizing/interior design company! I'm equally excited and terrified by this! Okay I lied, I'm probably a little more terrified than excited right now...but great risks lead to great rewards, right!? 

I had my first job on Friday, where we organized the client's entire house. It wasn't as severe as you see on Hoarders, but it was definitely the closest thing I've seen to it in real life. It was very fast-paced and physically demanding, but the finished result was incredible. And the best part was showing the client her new organized home. Such a wonderful feeling!

My business will be called:

 My new website is just about complete and you can check it out here! And I would love for y'all to check out (and maybe like? :) my Facebook page here. The few people I've told so far have been so supportive, and that means the world to me right now! I was especially happy when I saw this comment on yesterday's post:
Allison, you could not have encouraged me at a better time...thank you, sweet friend! :) 

I've always had a passion for both organizing and design, so I'm really excited to get started on this new journey! (Don't I sound like someone on the Bachelor? :)


  1. This is exactly what you should be doing!! You're so talented with it, and I know so many people will benefit greatly from your talents! I wish you success! You deserve it!

  2. YAAAAYYYY!!!! You go girl! I have a feeling I am going to see you on HGTV one day! :)

  3. That is awesome!! Congrats! Can you come help me organize 3 closets worth of baby crap?!

  4. Congrats girl! I think this will be such a fun job for you!

  5. YAY!!! This is awesome news! I think you will be perfect for this!! Congrats!

  6. Yay! I love your blog's new look and love the name of your business! I can't wait to hear about all you accomplish!! I'm so glad I was able to encourage you at just the right time. Love you!

  7. yay!!!! :) i liked you on facebook.

  8. YEAH! This is amazing news! Congrats, Julie! I can't wait to hear all about it - and I now like your FB page!

  9. Congratulations lady friend! So exciting :)

  10. see....all those visits back to your parents was just "practice." this is so so so exciting! happy for you friend! love you!

  11. Congratulations Julie! That's amazing news.


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