Wednesday, February 15

My Funny Valentine

I consider myself a simple girl. My parents laugh every time I say this...I'm not sure why? :) But I enjoy the little things. For example, my perfect date is dinner and a movie. I would probably choose Chili's over any fancy restaurant. (You can't judge unless you've had their chips and's life-changing!) And I prefer Reese's to any other fancy chocolate. So we had ourselves a simple Valentine's Day, and it was perfect.

Doug also knows that the key to my heart is through my fur babies. So of course, they were included in the V-Day gifts. I walked into the kitchen to find this:

Breath mints, for Maisy, from Maisy to us :) 

Reese's and scratch off lotto tickets. Perfection :)

Not pictured: he also got me a card with boxers on it :)

 We don't like to go out on Valentine's Day, since it is SO crowded everywhere and usually crazy expensive, so we went out on Sunday. For our date, we went to Cheesecake Factory (Kahlua cheesecake...YUM) and saw The Vow. It did not disappoint!

So tonight, I decided to cook Doug's favorite meal. Chicken fingers, fries, and garlic bread :) The fries and bread were frozen, but I'm proud to say I made the chicken from scratch! That's a big feat for a non-cook like me!

I hope y'all had a great V-Day as well! :)


Michelle (michabella) said... Best Blogger Tips

Sometimes those are the better Valentines dates :) LOVE! Oh and I love Chili's and could eat there everyday!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds like a perfect Valentine's Day celebration to me!

Meagan said... Best Blogger Tips

How sweet! Your hubby is so very thoughtful!

And you should post the chicken recipe :)

Katie {katie lately} said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gosh -- cute!!!!!! your husband is adorable!

Kira said... Best Blogger Tips

There are so many hip independent restaurants here in Portland, but seriously, you can't ever go wrong with the Cheesecake Factory! I don't care if it's a chain, it is delish.

Miranda said... Best Blogger Tips

cute gifts! glad the pets got something too :) i have never been to the cheesecake factory (not many around here) but i soooooo want to try it!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

What a sweet husband and furbaby daddy. Glad you had a great Valentine's day!

Amanda C. said... Best Blogger Tips

We stayed in too. Fighting the crowds is just too much. I love that you got breath mints form Maisy. ha ha

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

*swoon* You guys kill me. The presents for Maisy and Pep? Perfect. Those flowers are gorgeous and, by the way, that dinner looks delicious to me!

I'm so happy you had a great one! :)

Anna said... Best Blogger Tips

So sweet! Looks like you had a lovely Valentines Day! :)

Ashley Slater said... Best Blogger Tips

please tell doug that when his entire plate of "favorite food" is the same color that it is probably not good for him! haha, I am so glad you got to cook him something though! the chicken looks GREAT, you did a great job! ;)

Courtney B said... Best Blogger Tips

There are such things as doggy breath mints? Totally buying those and giving them to my parents! They have 2 boxers who love to get in your face and breath on you. YUCK!
I'm still waiting to see The Vow... so excited for when the hubs finally does take me :)

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