Thursday, March 7

Dog Beach

*I meant to write a "Behind the Scenes" post for the Women Tell All today, but I'm sick and just didn't feel up to it! Instead, you get to read all about our trip to the Dog Beach :) I'm hoping to have the WTA post up on Monday!*


A couple weeks ago, Doug and I decided to finally take Maisy to the Dog Beach in Huntington Beach! I'm a paranoid dog momma when it comes to dog parks, because I always fear that there will be a psycho dog that'll attack my sweet Maisy. But I finally put aside my fears and decided to try it out, because I knew how much she would love it. Maisy loves dogs of all sizes...she wants to be best friends with everyone. She made sure to greet every new person and dog that walked by, and she really had the time of her life!

A mid-sprint, tongue-flapping-in-the-wind, smile

She was, however, a big baby when it came to the water. It was a little too cold for her on this day :)

My favorite picture of the day. These surfers loved my sweet girl!

Afterwards, we decided to try out the Lazy Dog Cafe, where dogs are welcome on the patio!

AH! Can't believe I'm putting a make-up free picture of myself on the internet. Scary.

Lazy Dog Cafe was absolutely delicious. I had a turkey burger, which I immediately regretted ordering once I tasted Doug's pizza. We will definitely be going back for more. And I think it was Maisy's favorite day yet!


Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks awesome!! So jealous that you have a dog beach! We have to take the dogs on the boat to a secluded beach!! Looks like she had a blast!!

Alex Byer said... Best Blogger Tips

These are the happiest pictures I've ever seen ever. I'm obsessed.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm seriously dying! She looks so ridiculously happy in every photo. Love it!!!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

hope you feel better soon :)

Legally Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

That's awesome! I wish I could take my Mackie dog out there. I bet he would love the beach since he spends half his summer in our pool. Dog parks in Ohio are not as fun as dog parks in Cali!!

Love the concept of the dog patio. I love stuff like that. Do they have doggie options on the menu too? :)

Feel better!!!

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You look gorgeous makeup free!! Xox

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