Monday, August 19

Be The Match

Bone marrow donation is something I really knew nothing about until my brother decided to join the registry and become a donor. In fact, he was matched up with someone and donated for the first time just last week! Once I heard that he joined the registry, I started to look into it more and decide if it was something that I could commit to. After reading through the information on their website, I knew that it was definitely something I wanted to do. So I signed up, got my swab kit in the mail, and am now waiting for the official confirmation that I'm on the registry! 

I wanted to share this information with y'all, not to toot my own horn, but to increase awareness. It was something that I never heard about, and I'm guessing it may be the same for y'all. All that to say, it's a huge commitment and something that shouldn't be taken lightly. If it's something you are considering, I just encourage you to make sure you're ready to fully commit. They have a great website with all of the information you need, and you can read through the FAQs here

Isn't it incredible to think that if you're matched up with someone, you could save their life? I think that's pretty amazing! 

I hope y'all have a great week, I'll be in Atlanta enjoying time with my family!

*The winner of the $50 Shabby Apple giveaway is Stephanie Gregory!*


Linnea said... Best Blogger Tips

That is great! I signed up several months ago when a family member was diagnosed with leukemia.

Just Me said... Best Blogger Tips

From the mama of a girl that has a 50% chance of needing a bone marrow transplant in the next five years, THANK YOU!!!!

It's so cool that your brother was able to donate! Young males are the most sought after donors.

Thanks for being willing to make a difference in a strangers life!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

This is truly amazing!! I'm sure soo many people had no clue about this! I sure didn't!! What a great way to save many lives!!

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