Tuesday, October 23


The past 5+ weeks have been...weird. I know I'm not around here as much, and that's because life has just been different lately. I've been sick for over 5 weeks now. When we moved into our temporary apartment in the middle of September, I caught some kind of cold. It lasted for over 2 weeks, and then I had my surgery. My recovery lasted about a week, and the day after I really started to feel better, I caught what we think was a sinus infection. That lasted for another week or so, and as soon as I started to feel better, I woke up with a really sore throat and unbelievable congestion. And I'm still dealing with that. It's incredibly frustrating, and I'm hoping the end is in sight!

So life has just been different lately. Simple. We haven't done any 'blog-worthy' things on the weekends. We have been spending lots of time at home and watching a ridiculous amount of football on Saturdays and Sundays, which we love! It's actually been nice to just live a more simple life. I haven't been as attached to my computer or my phone and have been spending more time with my sweet little family. I haven't even touched my DSLR in weeks, which is so odd for me. So that's why I haven't been writing much lately. 

But there is a big change coming our way! We found a new house! As y'all know, we moved out of our house last month and have been living in a little temporary apartment with our stuff in storage. We had to wait for Doug's new promotion to become official before we signed a new lease, and we were finally able to do that last Friday. So we move in tomorrow! I am SO ready to be back in a house where Maisy can run in the yard all she wants. This poor girl is ready to be off of her leash! Here's a sneak peek of our new living room! 

This will be our 6th place we've lived in the past 2.5 years of being married. 1) Apartment in Covington 2) Apartment in Decatur 3) Hotel for a month in California before we moved here 4) Our last house 5) Temp apartment 6) New house!

Isn't that insane!? I'm ready for some consistency!! Also, what would y'all do with that mirror above the mantle? Any ideas? I was thinking of hanging some kind of wreath on there but would love any creative ideas!

And finally, thank y'all for sticking around here. I know my blog hasn't been as exciting or interesting lately, but hopefully once this move is out of the way, things will return to normal :)

PS- PLL HALLOWEEN EPISODE IS TONIGHT!!! They announced that someone is going to die...who do you think it is!? (That's Pretty Little Liars, for those of you who haven't caught on to this addictive show yet) My TV shows have been blowing me away this season, especially Dexter and The Walking Dead...I may have to dedicate a whole post to it soon!


Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

ughh...so sorry that you've been feeling bad! I've had a head cold for the past 2 weeks that's just finally going away.

& yay for your new house, that living room looks fabulous!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! You have to be so excited to get back into a house! Where is this one?

sburton1130 said... Best Blogger Tips

So sorry you've been sick! Praying you get better quickly!

Also that mirror is a monster! I always love little pendant banners on mirrors. I like the wreath idea, too.

Meghan said... Best Blogger Tips

WOOHOO! Congrats! That's amazing news! I can't wait to see how it all comes together!

Legally Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

Hate to hear you've been feeling so bad. I was wondering where you'd gotten off to since I hadn't heard from you in so long! Hope you're on the up and up!!

Glad you found a new place! Those hardwood floors and fireplace look awesome. Does it ever get cold enough in California to light a fire?

Britt said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm sorry you've been sick, but moving in to your new place should make you feel better. I can't wait to see it in person!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Not every day is "blog worthy" but that's just real life and I love your blog/you either way. :) Congrats on the new house. And Walking Dead?! I swore I would never watch it because I hate gory stuff, but Drew got me hooked and now I can't stop. Ah!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE your new living room! Can't wait to see it in person! ;) I bet you're so excited to settle in somewhere (at least for a bit).

I hope you feel better! I caught something this week, too. I feel miserable.

WALKING DEAD IS AMAZING! I hate waiting a whole week for the new episode.

Alex Byer said... Best Blogger Tips

EE so exciting! I love love love the living room, and I know Maisy will enjoy her space :) I'm sorry you've been feeling sick these past few weeks, but hopefully that's all behind you now! Good luck moving this weekend ladyfriend!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Sorry you haven't felt good but YAY for a new house!! Fingers crossed you start feeling better AND get to move into something more "permanent". I totally know that feeling! :)

Amanda C. said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope you get to feeling better. Can't wait to see more of the new house. I love the Walkng Dead. This season looks like a good one.

Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

ugh! Everyone is raving about The Walking Dead and we don't have cable anymore and it's not online! :( I so jealous! I want to know what is happening!!! But don't tell me..b/c I want to one day see it for myself! :)

Ruth said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on the new place.

Amy @ Five Kinds of Happy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so pretty!!! I see some amazing bones in that room! You're right the mirror is pretty massive, but at least it will make the room seem larger :)

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