Tuesday, February 19

That Time I Met a Pretty Little Liar

That's right...I met a Pretty Little Liar this weekend! It's the most coincidental story! Here's the back story:

A few months ago, I went to the Grove with Michaela and her roommate was there at the same time we were. Well, her roommate saw Shay Mitchell (another PLL) and I was pretty bummed we had missed her! I have been to the Grove many times and always hope to see a celeb, but for some reason I had the worst luck with it! 

On Saturday, I was having brunch with a few friends in Beverly Hills, and we were talking about all of the famous people we'd seen around town. I haven't run into very many since moving here (besides partying with Owen Wilson...that was amazing), and I was telling the girls how jealous I was of all their stories! 

After brunch, Doug and I decided to go to the Grove before we headed home. This is the crazy part. As we were going down all of the escalators from the parking deck, I was telling him how several people I know have seen Shay Mitchell here, but my favorite PLL is Lucy Hale. I was telling him how nice and normal she seems, and I would definitely want to meet her out of all of them. As soon as I said that, I look over and see Lucy Hale walking towards the escalators to leave. So I whispered to Doug, "OHMYGOSH THAT'S LUCY HALE!!!", grabbed his hand, and went to follow her back up the escalators. (I realize I sound like a creep! I was totally fan-girling! haha) 

Luckily she parked on the top level, so by the time we got up there no one else was around us...I definitely didn't want to cause a scene for her but I really wanted to meet her! And I was right, she was SO nice and SO down-to-earth. We talked about her new country record, and since she's from Memphis, she knew where Marietta (my hometown) is! She really couldn't have been nicer! It was also the most normal I've ever acted when I've met a celeb...I usually ramble or can't seem to speak in coherent sentences :)

She was with Amanda Schull, who played Meredith on PLL. You may also recognize her from Center Stage! She had parked on a lower level, so I didn't meet her...which was probably a good thing because I couldn't remember her real name!

It definitely made my day! Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Are you as obsessed with it as I am? :)


Legally Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so exciting! I'm glad you got to meet her, even if you did have to creep. ;)

I want to go to the Grove so bad! Brunch in Beverly Hills sounds so posh!

Young and Fabulous said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG!!!!!!!!! this is amazing!!! it makes me so happy to hear when people meet celebs and theyre actually really nice and down to earth! so glad lucy hale is like that because she seems like she would be JUST like Aria on PLL. Ahh you are so lucky!!

my bf used to be a lifeguard at a waterpark in Jersey and met Danny Devito...said he was SUCH a jerk! which is a let down since he is funny!!

i love PLL...dying to see how this season pans out esp with everything going on with spencer an toby and then recently with meredith an aris dad possibly having somethign to do with Allie!?!? AH its on tonight cannot wait


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

she is my favorite! plus i am really excited that she is doing a country album. that's really exciting you got to meet her!

Kira said... Best Blogger Tips

So fun! I bet you were crazy excited! Way to play it cool though ;)

Hanna said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok why didn't I read this post until now... That is so so cool you met Lucy! I LOVE PLL and she's my fave!

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