Wednesday, April 6

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I am loving so much today and figured I would link up with Jamie for my first What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving that my mom came to eat lunch with me today at work! She pushed through her fear of downtown Atlanta traffic and I'm glad she did!

I'm also loving the pasta salad we had at lunch...words cannot express how good it was!

I'm loving that I got an email this morning saying that my new ipad finally shipped! It's going to be almost 2 weeks early!

I'm loving our clean home right now....let's see how long it stays that way!

I'm loving all of your suggestions on yesterday's post! Thank you! It was an overwhelming vote for Charleston, and now I'm determined to see if we can make it there for a short weekend!

Mostly, I'm loving something else that I can't disclose right now...I want to wait until we know for sure and then I will tell you all what has had me smiling for the past week!

Happy Wednesday! Only 2 more days until the weekend!


Miss Southern Vol said... Best Blogger Tips

EEEKKK tomorrow is the big day still yes?! I will need a picture! You need to post the pasta salad recipe! I need a new one!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Aren't clean houses so refreshing? I love it! By the way...I'm craving pasta salad now! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I did my first one last week too! So much fun! Love your living room...looks great!


Legally Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun that you got to grab lunch with your mom! That pasta salad looks delish - pasta salad always reminds me of fresh, summery days. Can't wait for your big reveal! :)

Brandi Nell said... Best Blogger Tips

That pasts salad looks delish! YUM! Can't wait to hear your big news!

Miss Kindergarten said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay for a day you're loving!! And now I'm excited for the big news!

Outfitted and Inspired

Mrs. McCracken said... Best Blogger Tips

That pasta salad looks wonderful! I have been loving pasta salad these days!
I cannot wait to hear the big news either!!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm kind of bad at guessing things like this, but is Mr. Pepper pregnant?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This si my first visit to your blog through WILW. I'm already hooked with your SECRET!

Bridget Bohannon said... Best Blogger Tips


Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay for wonderful moms! Mine just left yesterday after a week long visit. It was so nice! Love your blog and can't wait to read about your secret!

Jamie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for playing along!

I LOVE pasta salad! Yum!

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

It definitely did kinda sound like you were pregnant. Haha.

That pasta salad looks absolutely delicious! I love mother/daughter time together!!

meghan said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on the new puppy!! :)

When are you going to go to Charleston. My boyfriend and I are talking about going in August. I can't wait! It looks so beautiful there.

That pasta salad looks so yummy and I'm glad you get to have fun with your mom now too!


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