Friday, March 25


It's Friday!!! I am so excited that it's finally the weekend. I have had quite the difficult time waking up this week, so I am pumped to sleep in tomorrow!

I am also excited about the fun weekend I have planned. Tonight, Doug and I will continue our tradition of pizza and a movie at home. Although, we usually can't make it through the whole movie without falling asleep...we are lame. Oh well.

Then tomorrow, it's girl's night!!! My 2 best friends from high school and I have been trying to do this for months. We had a date picked out a few weeks ago but the swine flu scared them off :-) I kicked Doug out of the house for this so it could be a true sleepover, so he will be at his parents' house doing our taxes. What a sweet husband!

(sorry girls- I just had to post these :)

Then Sunday, I am helping Walton Animal Guild (WAG) run their bowling event, which is very similar to the one I planned a few months ago. I meant to post this a while back, but I forgot, so here it is! If you are in the area, stop on by!

*Weight update: Yesterday, I saw a picture of myself from behind, and it gave me even more of a kick to get fit. That is not something I wanted to see! Let's just say, this baby's got back.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

PS- As soon as I figured out how to load pictures from my iphone, I'll have some cute ones of Pep on here! Any tips on the easiest way to do that? :)


Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

Hahahaha! This baby's got back?! Hilarious. Keep with it, girl!

Sounds like a fun weekend! Take pictures!

Kelley said... Best Blogger Tips

I just email my pictures to myself from my phone and then access them on my email through my computer and save them. hope this helps!

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

looovee me some pizza and movies, and girls night!! girls nights are necessary for marital survival..i think.

Legally Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

Glad you're having such a good weekend with plenty of girl time! We all need that! :) Have plenty of fun!

Meghan said... Best Blogger Tips

What a sweet hubby! Hope you had a wonderful time with your gals!

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